As I am from one of the Asian Countries, Burma, I was bounded and grew old by cultural norms, traditional standards, conservative thoughts and environment and it is not only to me also to the most of the youths of Burma. It was until my age of 27, I’ve never touched Playboy Magazine in my hand though I heard of the name many times. But my life has changed and I started my boudoir photographer as my career, I try to educate and spread the knowledge of boudoir photography to people arounds me via social media which is the only way to reach them very fast. In Burma, that kind of photography has been put under violations of traditional culture and we do not allowed to do publicly. Usage of social media, I came to know and found that there are many, many women who want to break through those cultural barriers, suppressing norms and thoughts. And I was the pioneer of boudoir photography in Burma not only doing photoshoot also sharing knowledge, guidance, do’s and don’ts for both ladies and photographers who become familiar with the word boudoir and social media is the only channel conveying the message of boudoir knowledge to them.

I had a client, age 43, lecturer from private university, grew old through out her life under boundaries and her parents are true conservatives. I was shocked about her life stories during consultation before photoshoot. She came to be interested and tried to do boudoir photoshoot after seeing my post of boudoir knowledge on social media. She realized and admitted to me that boudoir photography is not pornography as she has seen and educated through her life by her environment. Another client came to me for doing maternity boudoir and she is a muslim, allowed to do boudoir photoshoot by her husband. Social media has great impact to boudoir photography which is giving confidence to women, appraising and empowering them. Women from Burma are interested more and more in boudoir photography as the boudoir photographers tried to present in the form of an art, not in the form of glamour and porn.
Free from censorship in social media must be enforced as boudoir is an art form of women, opening up the knowledge, see themselves and explore beyond social and environmental judgments.

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