Gaspar Marquez - Freedom of Speech and The Nude

May 2024 Press Freedom Day Issue - Interviews - Posted:

I experiment with the nude female body because it is the source of my inspiration, but language most of the time is context related and as an artist, I sometimes want to say things I can’t say through language, that’s when art takes place in the equation. Art is such a catalyzer that enables me to make a statement and present it to the public and make a connection and hopefully make a change. I believe this could be a cultural, political or a state of mind or just an open door to a new vision or perspective in humanity.

Since my work is a celebration of the Figure form, film photography, movement, cubism and scale, not being censored plays such an important role in the presentation of my artwork. Freedom depends on Press Freedom, Press Freedom is the foundation of democracy and justice, but unfortunately nowadays is threatened by misinformation and censorship, there’s increased concentration of the media industry by the hands of a few, national laws and regulations that stifle journalists and artists. All this nonsense is further expanding censorship and threatening freedom of expression, not to mention journalists & Artists are being targeted, harassed, intimidated, detained, imprisoned or simply banned or removed from social media platforms or canceled for going against the agenda of a few people. 120 journalists were killed in 2023.

On this Press Freedom day stop the threats and attacks against journalists and artists, stop targeting people who seek the truth and truth tellers.

Stop censorship and let’s celebrate “Freedom of Speech and The Nude” through the press and Social media platforms across the World.

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