Boudoir Photography Awards 2024 Boudoir Photography Awards 2024

Josie Fox by Andrew Thomas Photo

May 2023 Issue Vol 1 - - Posted:

01) What does boudoir photography mean to you?

Boudoir sessions are the ultimate in collaboration and trust between the photographer and the subject. It is an expressive medium that covers a wide range of appearances, emotions, and moods.

02) What kind of creative process is there behind boudoir photography?

Doing a boudoir shoot can take on many creative processes depending on the goal of the subject. The setup, lighting, angles, shooting position, and camera settings all come into play.

03) How do you communicate with a client or model you’ve just met to make them comfortable for boudoir / nude photography?

First, and foremost, I never push a subject – especially a private client – into an area or realm where they are not 100% comfortable. I start every session with an honest and open conversation about the collaborative goals, and then I stay within the confines of the subject’s comfort zone.

04) How do you educate yourself to take better photos?

I am a member of PPA, so I use a lot of their educational resources, I study the work of other boudoir photographers, and I constantly experiment with a few trusted models.

05) What type of cameras do you shoot with, boudoir and/vs other?

I am a member of Nikon Professional Services, so all my camera bodies and lenses are Nikon. Recently, I made the switch in the studio from my D5’s to mirrorless Z6 II bodies, and I am loving the images.

06) What kind of other gear do you use for boudoir and/vs other?

I use Godox studio lighting in several levels, and all my modifiers are Godox too. I have many types of light stands so I can create many different lighting setups, and I make extensive use of Roscoe gels.

07) What is the most difficult part of being a boudoir photographer for you?

Connecting, at its purest level, with my subject so I can create the exact mood, look, and feel in my images that they picture in their mind.

08) What is the most rewarding part of being a boudoir photographer for you?

When I do connect, at that purest level, with my subject and they see images that are exactly what they were envisioning. The look on a subject’s face when we review the shots at the end of the session, and they are spot-on, is an absolutely rewarding experience.

09) Just for fun, if you could shoot in any location, what would it be?

Greece, Monaco, and the British Virgin Islands.

10) Do you have any other profession or anything you are passionate about?

In addition to boudoir photography, I shoot glamour fashion and swimsuit sessions, and I am a motorsports photographer focused on IMSA, WEC, and other endurance and/or sports car races. It is an entirely different type of shooting, with dramatically different gear and techniques, but when I nail a shot of a car going 180MPH the feeling is amazing.

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