Boudoir Photography Awards 2024 Boudoir Photography Awards 2024

Kalee Page & Brian Goldsby - Image Excellens

June 2018 Issue - - Posted:

It’s rather bittersweet that Kalee and I are featured in the June issue of Boudoir Inspiration. It was two years ago in June of 2016 that we first worked together, and we’ve tried to do so again, as often as our schedules would permit. At last count, we had collaborated a total 15 times, including a trip to shoot on the beautiful beaches of Punta Cana. Even though we’ve lived in the same city, It’s not always been easy. Kalee has been involved in an “Accelerated Nursing” program for the entirety of that time, and I’m what you would call a weekend warrior, when it comes to my photography.

There are several reasons I look to shoot with Kalee as often as I possibly can. Outside of the obvious (I mean, just look at her! Who wouldn’t want that beautiful face in their portfolio?), she is so fun and energetic, brings lots of great ideas to the table, and is willing to let me experiment with things to help me improve my photography. I think we feed off of one another, and in the end we see the results getting better and better. While she has a little more experience as a Model, than I do as a Photographer, we’ve both seen tremendous growth in one another. I fear that as she has graduated with her second degree now (the girl is SMART too), and is looking at her options for the future, our opportunities may dwindle a bit. No matter though, we’ll continue to shoot when we can, and will always have these images and a mutual respect and admiration for shoot when we can, and will always have these images and a mutual respect and admiration for one another!
-- Brian Goldsby

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