Boudoir Photography Awards 2024 Boudoir Photography Awards 2024

Serhii Kovbasyuk - Press Freedom

May 2024 Press Freedom Day Issue - Interviews - Posted:

Art has always been a tool for expressing thoughts, emotions, and freedom. However, with the increasing influence of social media, we encounter new limitations on freedom of expression, which are often illegitimately used under the guise of "content policies."

This becomes a barrier for creators who seek to share their ideas and foster dialogue in society.

Through my art, which explores the nuances of the human form, I have encountered resistance and censorship on numerous occasions.

The very nature of boudoir photography, with its celebration of intimacy and vulnerability, often challenges societal norms and provokes discussion.

Today, I'm sharing my work "Black Gold" It resonates deeply with the present moment: due to shadow banning, my art is almost concealed from the eyes of others.

But let this not hinder us from seeing beauty, inspiration, and art every day. Always seek out this hidden beauty, even in life's most inconspicuous moments.

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