Unbuttoned with Elaina Lynn & eyeKandey Digital Media

September 2023 Artistic Nude Issue 2 - - Posted:

01) What does boudoir photography mean to you?

Boudoir photography, to me, represents the ultimate opportunity for creativity. Each model is unique in her own way. Body styles, physical attributes, facial features, hair color and length, etc. all add up to support the creativity opportunity. The selection of a venue for the sessions creates a definite “vibe” or “tone”.  And finally, the model’s selection of wardrobe or level of nudity (if any) makes or breaks the session with her posing, facial expressions and the level of content we manage to capture as a creative team.

02) Why did you choose to pursue a career as a boudoir / fine art photographer? What got you started in boudoir?

I was actually pulled into boudoir photography many years ago by the wife of a good friend who wanted to surprise her husband for his birthday with some purely enticing boudoir and nude images in an album gift to him. The rest is history. Since then, I’ve literally done hundreds of sessions across a wide age range from 18 to 45. Each and every session is totally unique, with virtually endless possibilities.

03) What kind of creative process is there behind boudoir photography?

The creative opportunities and process are endless to me. Wardrobe… setting… lighting… the level of nudity (if any)… the “look” that the model projects (ie: from shy and innocent to “cute” to sensual to sexual…).

04) How do you communicate with a client or model you’ve just met to make them comfortable for boudoir / nude photography?

I connect with the vast majority of my clients when they reach out to me after seeing my Instagram profile or website. That’s where the conversation begins. Some leave me a “trail of breadcrumbs” by “liking” several dozen images on my IG prior to actually contacting me. Others go to my website and complete a “Model for Us” form and send it to me. That actually helps me understand what they like and what they are comfortable with, which is very often very close to what they would like to do as far as the “vibe” and wardrobe (or lack thereof) goes for a session. I ALWAYS recommend meeting for coffee or something in a public place of their choosing to discuss the session opportunity, which allows them to get the “vibe” of my presence. They are always invited to bring a friend or companion (as they are also invited to do at the actual session). We almost always move forward from there. At that initial meeting we discuss their interest, what their view of their session looks like in their own mind, wardrobe, the level of nudity (if any), model media releases, website and IG profile featuring, etc. We also discuss the publication opportunity and the vast majority of clients are very interested in magazine publication,

05) How do you educate yourself to take better photos?

Shoot… shoot… shoot… often and endlessly!  Don’t be afraid to try something new and different from your norm. I am an Elite Photographer member on Kavyar and I review the works of others constantly for new ideas and new “inspiration”. But at the end of the day, I do NOT try to compete with anyone other than myself. I always strive to make the work I do “tomorrow” better than the work I do “today” or did “yesterday”. I am my biggest critic for sure.

06) How would you describe your photography style?

Lighting is EVERYTHING. I like brightness, not shadows and “low key” styling for boudoir work. That shows in virtually all of my work, except for a few sessions here and there where the “target vibe” commands otherwise. To me it sets the tone of the images and the session in general. My clients come to me because of it, so I guess it works.

07) What type of cameras do you shoot with, boudoir and/vs other?

I shoot a Nikon D-850 for almost all of my photography work except for Real Estate, and there I use a Nikon Z6 mirrorless body. The D-850 allows me to capture very large (45MP) images that offer a wide range of cropping opportunities. I also like the size and weight of the D-850, as it feels like I have a real camera in my hands when shooting. I’ve aways liked full-frame SLR camera bodies (my former camera body was a Nikon D4, which I totally wore out with 750,000 shutter activations). I always shoot in RAW (Nikon NEF) format as well as JPG (for quick previews), to be sure I capture the details hidden in the shadows and also have opportunity to work the highlights better than in a JPG image. For studio work I shoot a Nikkor 24-120mm f/4 lens. For outdoor I shoot a Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. I like shooting around f/4 in studio and wide open (f/2.8) outdoors for pleasing bokeh effects. All of my “glass” is Nikkor “gold band” pro-level glass. It really does make a huge difference in image quality.

08) What kind of other gear do you use for boudoir and/vs other?

I’ve also one a ton of Real Estate photography in recent years and the lenses used are very different than for boudoir work. Same goes for sports and rodeo photography. That’s why a well-rounded photographer needs a wide variety of good quality “glass”.

09) Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?

I guess I don’t really have a single favorite set. This published set of Elaina Lynn is certainly one of my favorites, but there are many, many more. Each individual brings a unique set of attributes to the able for shooting. And that in itself makes for many, many “favorite” sets over time. I’ve been shooting for over 40 years at this point, and I keep adding new “favorite” sets as time goes on.

10) What is the most difficult part of being a boudoir photographer for you?

By far, it’s the lack of acceptance level of the work by closed and/or narrow-minded individuals who would “never do such a thing”. It’s a factor that can be tough on the model for sure. My attitude is “If you don’t like it… just don’t look at it!” to those who may scoff at the images I produce with my clients.

11) What is the most rewarding part of being a boudoir photographer for you?

I would say the look on the face of the model when she sees the final product. For newer models it’s the very first time they are seeing themselves in that way. It truly is rewarding in itself.

12) Just for fun, if you could shoot in any location, what would it be?

A remote desert island beach with miles and miles of nothing by white sand and clear blue ocean. These days, the beached at Lake Tahoe needs to suffice.

13) Do you have any other profession or anything you are passionate about?

Technically speaking, I am a retired individual from “mainstream” work. In my “former” life I was a niche market medical technology sales, marketing and engineering professional. These days, I mainly shoot for fun rather than profit, and it makes a difference in my attitude as I approach new sessions. I compare it to fishing for fun vs: fishing for a living… a huge difference in mindset when you are doing your thing!

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