How to Make Your Boudoir Clients Look Gorgeous

Boudoir Photography Books, Boudoir Photography Tips - - Posted:

Seductive. Bold. Alluring.

These are all accurate descriptors of boudoir photography...and the reason why you love it.

But it’s also frustrating. Challenging. And often disappointing.

A boudoir photo pose that makes one model appear magical makes another look awkward or unattractive. Your models feel uncomfortable...and they look it, too. In one photo, the lighting is bad. In another, a pose that looked seductive in your mind’s eye just looks silly.

And what about those shoots that seem to take forever? You pose your model over and over again, trying to bring out her strengths and minimize her flaws. But no matter how hard you try, you know she’s miserable, and you’re afraid she might never want to work with you again.

We’ve all been there.

As photographers, we talk a lot about equipment, camera angles, software, and shutter speeds. But we rarely talk about one simple yet elusive aspect of our photography which can make all the difference in the world: poses.

The right poses can have a huge impact in photography in general, but especially in boudoir photography. The right pose can put an image over from awkward to alluring, from silly to seductive.

But how can you get the right pose without hours and hours of painful trial and even more painful error?

Fortunately, there are some helpful resources on the market that can help. One of these is The Posebook, currently offered on the PhotoWhoa site at a discounted rate of $25.

This book is the work of the acclaimed “Boudoir Divas,” long acknowledged as veterans of boudoir photography. They have years of experience in figuring out which poses work best in the boudoir. As such, you might consider this a definitive work on boudoir photography poses.

It includes 28 top poses which can be used successfully in a variety of settings and with a variety of body types. And how do we know that these are the “top” poses? Because they have consistently proven the most flattering, resulting in the most sales.

Sometimes when you find a resource like this, it makes a pose look simple by showing a photo, but doesn’t really offer any practical suggestions for making the pose work in your specific situation.

But in this book, you get much more than a simple snapshot of each pose.

Each of the 28 poses comes with its own entire section, complete with visual examples, coaching tips, and ideas for bringing out your model’s best features.

The book takes into account the challenges and realities of boudoir photography in a way that few other resources do. In addition, the handy quick reference guide makes it easy for you to find the specific poses or instructions that you need. It even comes with a DVD to visually reinforce the posing strategies described in the book.

The book is wonderfully easy to use. After purchase, it is available for immediate download, so you can begin using it right away. You may find it helpful to prepare for a shoot simply by listing the numbers of the poses you’re planning on a Post-It note in a visible location. Then you can progress seamlessly from one pose to the next without any awkward pauses.

An obvious benefit to this is that your photo shoots become much more efficient and productive. But another hidden advantage is your improved relationship with clients and models.

Let’s be honest, posing in boudoir photos takes a lot of confidence. It’s not easy or comfortable. But when the photographer exudes confidence in directing the models, they will feel better about their poses, too.

The results of this confidence show up not just in the photos themselves, but in positive feelings in the aftermath of the shoot. In the wake of a good experience posing for you, your clients will want to come back again and again. Even more so when they see the dramatic and beautiful results of your collaboration!

Not only that, but you can post these photos on your business website or Facebook page to gain more visibility and even more clients.

Positive relationships with clients are the foundation of a strong photography business. Without them, you don’t have anything! So any resource that can ease and smooth out those all-important relationships is worth its weight in gold.

There are times in life when you come across just the right photography resource, the one that you end up referring to over and over, your handy go-to. This Posebook could just end up being that book for your boudoir photo poses.

Get the Book Now!

 How to Make Your Boudoir Clients Look Gorgeous

The Posebook: Make Your Boudoir Clients Look Gorgeous


28 Top Poses By The Boudoir Divas!

GUEST AUTHOR: Alice from PhotoWhoa Partners

Alice is a passionate photographer and avid traveler. She is passionate about her work as a digital marketer with PhotoWhoa. The best thing she loves about her work is that it gets her in touch with photographers from all around the world and across various niches.
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