Argento Puro - Photographer Interview

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About Argento Puro:

Marco Antonioli, aka “ARGENTO”, is an italian freelance photographer born in Parma and based in Milano. Passionate about art and travel, he loves photography in all its aspect, in particular portraite and glamour where a good technique is not enough to take good pictures and capture expessions that are able to arouse interest or emotions.

We have asked Argento several questions about Boudoir Photography and here are his answers:

01) What does boudoir photography mean to you?

Boudoir photography for me must represent the exaltation of femininity and sensuality of a woman, through the search for refined shots, elegant and intimate poses, wearing elegant and particular intimate garments.

02) Why did you choose to pursue a career as a boudoir / fine art photographer? What got you started in boudoir?

It was not my first choice, I started with portraits, then after a themed workshop I began to appreciate the genre and above all to build collaborations with models who have a great predisposition for the boudoir genre.

03) What kind of creative process is there behind boudoir photography?

Generally I start from an idea of ​​femininity, it can be inspired by a picture, or a statue, or a photograph that struck me and I start to think about how it could have been made and from that I start to fantasize about what variables I could make to recreate a picture differences.

04) How do you communicate with a client or model you’ve just met to make them comfortable for boudoir / nude photography?

I try to propose some famous images of photos asking for their opinion to understand their point of view, on the pose, on the situation, to make it understood that the photos are always taken in two, photographer and model if there is no dialogue while working to a project, the risk is not to let its potential out, and to lose an opportunity to get involved with herself.

05) How do you educate yourself to take better photos?

I always try to see different shots taken by other photographers, published in magazines, such as Boudoir Inspiration, or on social media. And visiting photographic exhibitions whenever possible.

06) How would you describe your photography style?

Maieutic, in the philosophical sense, the search for what must be discovered first by the model and then by who will see the photos taken.

07) What type of cameras do you shoot with, boudoir and/vs other?

I use a Canon Eos 700 D, with fixed lens 50 mm or focal length 70-200.

08) What kind of other gear do you use for boudoir and/vs other?

I do not use special gear, but I attach great importance to the places where you shoot: the space, the light, the furnishings, all when it helps to create an atmosphere that will then influence the composition of the photograph.

09) Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?

Among my favorite works, I would put the shooting made in Florence with the model Sailys Del Mar, for the harmony created on the set. the sensuality and interpretative ability of the model.

10) What is the most difficult part of being a boudoir photographer for you?

The need to recreate, in a short time, an environment and above all an empathy with the model, because in each set the protagonist must be her and the best photos always succeed as the awareness of one's sensuality increases.

11) What is the most rewarding part of being a boudoir photographer for you?

The most gratifying part is not only the photographs taken, but seeing the reaction on the model's face when you show her the photos and her eyes light up and an expression of amazement and admiration for the photo she is looking at spontaneously arises, as if she saw herself for the first time with different eyes.

12) Just for fun, if you could shoot in any location, what would it be?

It would be a fun and very stimulating set to be able to have the Uffizi gallery in Florence available for a whole day, with photos that contain art, beauty and sensuality.

13) Do you have any other profession or anything you are passionate about?

In addition to the family business, another great passion of mine is travel that allows me to see different places and to visit photographic exhibitions dedicated to great masters of photography.

Checkout some of Argento's galleries of beautiful artwork published in Boudoir Inspiration Magazine down below:

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